Instructions for the Immortal, Or What to Do if You Still Die


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Availability: Available
Autors: Священник Даниил Сысоев
Publishing: БФ Миссионерский центр имени иерея Даниила Сысоева
ISBN: 978-5-4279-0002-7
Number of pages: 96
Format: pdf, epub
Year of issue: 2014
In the few months since it appeared, this unusually-titled book by the famous priest and missionary Fr. Daniel Sysoev has quickly become a bestseller. What should you do if you end up dying after all? Unfortunately, many people try to avoid the question of death; yet death, like it or not, is unavoidable. Following divine revelation and the experience of the Church, Fr. Daniel paints a perfectly logical picture of the human soul transitioning from mortality to eternity. The author gives us advice on how to behave correctly at this most important of events for every person, how not to be afraid, how to pass through the Aerial Toll-houses, and what will await us after death. The author likewise describes the church doctrines regarding heaven and hell. This edition includes a new section on the soul in the afterlife, and may be of interest for all who are reluctant to consider the topic of life after death. It would make an excellent present for a friend who is still an unbeliever, as it obliges even unbeliever